The Law and Business of Social Media
September 23, 2016 - Data Security, Privacy, Hacking, Litigation

Cybercrime and Victim Shaming

Our Morrison & Foerster colleague and Socially Aware contributor Miriam Wugmeister has published a thought provoking and insightful op-ed piece in The Hill on how companies that are the targets of cyberattacks are too often treated as suspects, rather than victims, by regulators.

In her op-ed, titled Stop Victim Shaming in Cyberattacks, Miriam points out that defending the American people and economy from hostile state or state-sponsored actors is critical for both economic and national security reasons. However, while our state and federal law enforcement agencies vigorously protect people from criminals and assist victims of crimes, companies that publicly disclose that they have been the victim of a cybercrime are not treated like a typical victim by federal and state regulators. Instead, they are investigated by numerous agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission, the State Attorneys General, and the Security and Exchange Commission, while often simultaneously sued by consumers, business customers, and shareholders. In the face of the onslaught of cyber threats, U.S. companies are charged with defending themselves in cyberspace or facing legal liability.